Selasa, 29 November 2011

Successful Strategies | Alan's Report

Welcome to Successful Strategies!

Simple Truths if ignored will spell disaster for your High Yield Programs..
Also known as HYIP ( High Yield Investment Programs)

1: Get in Early
2: Get in Big
3: Get your initial investment out as soon as possible
4: After #3 above re-invest a proportion of your profit
5: Cashout as often as possible!

Follow the 5 simple truths above and you are ahead of 99.9% of everyone else involved with High Yield Programs!

Detailed Discussion about each of the 5 Simple Truths:

1: Get in Early
Given our stated belief that all High Yield Programs are based on the ponzi model, therefore it makes sense to believe that every program already has a “use by date” fixed to it.. it will fail and every day that we are undecided to join and invest our money we are one day closer to losing our money!

It becomes important therefore to consider the life of the program already at the point when you join.. Join too early before it has proven itself and you just leave yourself open to scam after scam.. yes, I have rushed to join new programs that on the surface met all my criteria to find the admin had no intention of paying out any money and all of us who rushed to join lost our shirts!

The subject of when is not too early, or too late is full of conjecture.. so you must take the time to investigate all programs before you join to make sure.. the plans on offer make sense, they are paying, answering support tickets, attracting new paying members everyday.. again, be guided by what you know, what you feel, and what others in forums and blogs are saying.. but be careful of what I call the “$5 cowboys”, who never put in any real money and fill the forums with every cashout for 10 cents they receive.. these “$5 cowboys” are easy for admins to keep happy but that does not mean when you add your $1,000 to the program your cashout requests will be handled the same!

2: Get in Big
Once your decision is made to join and invest into your chosen program there is no point doing a test run.. why? because if you have completed your research then by doing a test run with a small amount that just takes you that many days closer to “fail date”.. At the point of joining and upgrading with your already decided amount is critical.. in the HYIP world once a program goes down it goes down fast (overnight)!

3: Get your initial investment out as soon as possible
Cashout cashout cashout should be your only thought until you are in profit.. DO NOT rethink and add more money to the program later because again you are just leaving yourself at greater risk each day as you come closer to “fail day”!

4: After #3 above re-invest a proportion of your profit
The reason you invest money into High Yield Programs is to make fast money.. once in profit now you consider your next step!
If the program met your needs, did not have any major issues while you were cashing out and you believe that the program still has legs for weeks, maybe months to come then consider re-investing some of your profit (not putting back any of your original invest money) back into the program..
Some use the 50/50 model.. cashout 50% per period and re-invest 50% of your profit
If you see the program lasting for the foreseeable future then consider the 80/20 rule..
Re-Invest 80% of your Profit.. Cashout the 20%..

5: Cashout as often as possible!
Whatever you decide above make sure every cashout period.. daily, weekly or monthly that you are cashing out part or all of your profit back to your Payment Processor!

Money looking back at you from inside any program is worthless unless it gets translated into Cash in your Alertpay, LibertyReserve, Perfect Money etc account.. only then can you say “I MADE MONEY in XZY Program”.. not before!

source: Successful Strategies | Alan's Report

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