Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

bebossyourself - Menghargai Orang Lain - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi


Menghargai Orang Lain
Penulis : Tim AndrieWongso
Minggu, 25-Desember-2011

Alkisah, suatu hari, seorang perempuan setengah baya terlihat menggandeng anaknya memasuki sebuah taman besar yang ada di sebuah perkantoran terkenal. Mereka duduk di sebuah bangku panjang. Ibu itu tampak sedang memarahi anak semata wayangnya. Mulutnya tak henti-hentinya mengomel. Tak jauh dari tempat duduk itu, ada seorang kakek tua yang tengah memotong rumput.
Tiba-tiba, ibu mengeluarkan sehelai tisu dari dalam tasnya lalu melemparkannya ke arah orang tua itu. Si kakek terkejut. Ia melirik dengan pandangan heran ke arah ibu itu. Tapi, si ibu malah berpura-pura tidak terjadi apa-apa. Tanpa mengeluarkan sepatah kata, si kakek pun memungut tisu itu pelan-pelan dan lalu memasukkannya ke dalam tong sampah.

Tak disangka sesaat kemudian, si ibu kembali melemparkan sehelai tisu ke arah si kakek. Sekali lagi, dalam diam si kakek mengambil tisu yang dibuang itu dan memasukkannya ke tong sampah. Si kakek kembali meneruskan pekerjaannya. Namun baru saja si kakek mengambil gunting rumput, untuk ketiga kalinya tisu jatuh di depannya. Si kakek kembali memungutinya dan melemparkan ke tong sampah. Kejadian ini berlangsung hingga 6-7 kali. Meski begitu, si kakek tidak menunjukkan ekspresi marah.

"Nah, coba kau lihat sendiri," ucap ibu itu kepada anaknya sembari menunjuk ke arah si kakek. "Kalau kamu malas belajar, setelah besar nanti kau akan jadi orang tak berguna. Cuma bisa jadi buruh pekerja kasar yang tidak terhormat seperti orang tua itu."

Si kakek dengan tenang melangkah mendekati wanita itu, "Nyonya, tempat ini bukan taman untuk umum. Taman ini cuma diperuntukkan bagi karyawan perusahaan kami. Hanya mereka yang boleh duduk di sini."

"Ya, aku tahu. Aku adalah manajer salah satu departemen di perusahaan ini! Aku kerja di gedung kantor ini."

"Boleh, saya pinjam handphone nyonya?"

Dengan berat hati, wanita itu memberikan ponselnya ke orang tua itu. Sembari melakukan itu, si ibu tak lupa mengajari anaknya, "Lihat kakek miskin ini. Ponsel saja tidak punya. Kamu harus rajin-rajin belajar, agar kelak tidak jadi seperti kakek yang tak berguna ini."

Selesai menelepon, si kakek mengembalikan ponsel itu dengan sopan. Tak lama kemudian, datang seorang lelaki menghadap si kakek dengan penuh hormat. Si kakek berkata, "Sekarang aku putuskan memecat ibu ini dari perusahaan."

"Ya, Pak. Saya akan langsung bereskan."

Lalu si kakek menghampiri anak kecil itu. Sembari mengucap-usap kepalanya, ia berkata, "Nak, aku harap kau mengerti, di dunia ini yang terpenting adalah belajar menghormati orang lain." Setelah berkata begitu, si kakek melangkah perlahan menuju gedung.

Si ibu kaget bukan main dengan kejadian mendadak ini. Ia lalu bertanya kepada lelaki tadi, "Kenapa bersikap penuh hormat kepada tukang kebun itu?"

"Apa, tukang kebun? Beliau adalah presiden direktur kelompok perusahaan ini. Namanya Bapak Mauritz."

Si ibu pun langsung terduduk lunglai di kursi.

Pesan Moral Cerita Ini:

Para pembaca, jika kita banyak mengucap syukur, dunia ini akan terasa lebih indah. Dengan menghargai dan menghormati orang lain, kita juga akan memperoleh banyak teman serta menerima cinta, kasih, dan bahagia yang berlimpah.

Menghargai Orang Lain - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

bebossyourself: "Ulat Dan Pohon Mangga", Inspirative Story - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

"Lakukan apa yang menjadi bagianmu, dan jangan berpikir apa yang akan kita dapat."
Ulat dan Pohon Mangga
Penulis : Tim AndrieWongso
Sabtu, 24-Desember-2011

Seekor ulat yang kelaparan terdampar di tanah tandus. Dengan lemas ia menghampiri pohon mangga sambil berkata, "Aku lapar.. Bolehkah aku makan daunmu?"

Pohon mangga menjawab, "Tanah di sini tandus, daunku pun tidak banyak! Apabila kau makan daunku, nanti akan berlubang dan tidak kelihatan cantik lagi. Lalu aku mungkin akan mati kekeringan. Hmmm... tapi baiklah, kau boleh naik dan memakan daunku. Mungkin hujan akan datang dan daunku akan tumbuh kembali."

Ulat naik dan mulai makan daun-daunan. Ia hidup di atas pohon itu sampai menjadi kepompong dan akhirnya berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantik.

"Hai pohon mangga, lihatlah aku sudah menjadi kupu-kupu. :) Terima kasih karena telah mengizinkan aku hidup di tubuhmu. Sebagai balas budi, aku akan membawa serbuk sari hingga bungamu dapat berbuah."

Sahabat yang Luar Biasa!

Dalam hidup kita sering memperhitungkan untung rugi pengorbanan yang dilakukan. "Jika saya memberi, saya akan kekurangan. Bagaimana mengatasinya?" Atau, "Bagaimana kalau ternyata saya ditipu?"

Tapi sadarkah kita, setiap kita memberi, ada sepercik sukacita di hati? Bunda Teresa pernah berkata, "Lakukan apa yang menjadi bagianmu, dan jangan berpikir apa yang akan kita dapat." Bila ingin memberi, ya lakukan saja dengan hati tulus dan ikhlas. Setelah itu, serahkan dan percayakan semuanya pada Sang Maha Pencipta.

Salam sukses luar biasa!

sumber: Ulat Dan Pohon Mangga, Inspirative Story - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

I Love Monday - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

I Love Monday!!
Penulis : Tim AndrieWongso.com
Senin, 28-Pebruari-2011

Hari Senin sering dianggap mengesalkan oleh banyak orang. Namun, dengan cara pandang yang baru, hari Senin akan jauh lebih berharga untuk menciptakan kesuksesan yang kita damba!
Banyak orang yang masih 'alergi' dengan hari Senin. Setelah dua hari libur di Sabtu dan Minggu, Senin jadi hari yang sangat membosankan. Harus bekerja lagi, harus berkutat dengan setumpuk pekerjaan. Padahal, Senin seharusnya jadi awal semangat untuk memulai seminggu bekerja yang lebih baik.

Karena itu, seharusnya pula, hari Senin harus lebih banyak melakukan action setelah dua hari di-recharge dengan liburan bersama keluarga dan relasi. Sehingga, seminggu berikutnya, akan mampu menjadi minggu yang lebih baik dari minggu yang telah lalu.

Mari mengubah cara pandang bahwa Senin adalah waktu baru. Senin adalah masa kita mencapai hasil yang lebih baik dari yang telah dicapai minggu lalu. Apa pun impiannya, mulailah dari hari Senin. Apa pun harapan kita, mulailah dengan penuh semangat di hari Senin. Dan.. teriakkan dengan lantang, "I love Monday!!!"

Nah, apa saja yang harus dilakukan agar Senin bisa maksimal dan tak jadi hari yang membosankan?

1. Tuliskan apa yang hendak dilakukan.
Untuk mencapai yang diinginkan setidaknya selama seminggu ke depan, tulis apa saja yang harus dikerjakan. Nyatakan dengan jelas tujuan jangka pendek kita. Dengan tulisan yang jelas, di kertas, di catatan harian, atau komputer, akan selalu mengingatkan dan menjadikan kita terpacu untuk segera menyelesaikan segala tugas yang jadi tanggung jawab kita. Inilah tugas "ringan dan sederhana" yang akan memacu kesadaran di pikiran kita untuk melakukan yang lebih dan lebih lagi guna mencapai apa yang diinginkan, minimal seminggu ke depan.

2. Ubah kebiasaan kurang baik.
Tanpa kita sadari, ada banyak waktu yang kadang terbuang percuma dalam rentang waktu yang dijalani. Untuk mengobrol hal kurang penting, menonton televisi, atau sekadar jalan-jalan tanpa tujuan. Meski kadang disepelekan, hal semacam itu sering kali menjadi hal sia-sia yang akan membuat kita tak kan punya nilai tambah apa-apa. Karena itu, dalam minggu berikutnya, cobalah ubah kebiasaan kurang baik. Misalnya, kebiasaan menonton televisi diganti dengan berkegiatan di taman bersama keluarga, kebiasaan bangun telat di hari libur dengan olahraga pagi. Makin banyak kebiasaan kurang baik yang bisa diganti dengan hal lebih positif, maka minggu berikutnya akan jauh lebih efektif dan efisien untuk meraih prestasi.

3. Katakan yang kita inginkan pada orang-orang.
Dengan mengatakan impian atau harapan, minimal kita akan mendapat masukan dari orang di sekeliling. Sehingga, orang yang tahu kita sedang "tidak pada jalur" akan bisa segera mengingatkan. Untuk poin ini, ingat pula jangan rendah diri jika apa yang kita akan lakukan diremehkan oleh orang lain. Justru, jadikan itu sebagai pemicu untuk terus memperbaiki diri.

4. Terus melangkah, bahkan meski pelan sekali pun.
Untuk menjadikan Senin makin berarti, segeralah melangkah dengan apa pun rencana yang kita telah tentukan. Jangan menunggu bantuan atau menunda lagi. Sepanjang kita mengarah pada tujuan dan target yang telah ditetapkan, meski pelan, atau hanya selangkah demi selangkah, pasti akan mengarahkan kita lebih dekat pada tujuan. Bukankah seribu mil perjalanan dimulai dari satu langkah?

5. Lakukan juga langkah-langkah "raksasa".
Kadang, ada momen-momen tertentu yang memicu kita untuk berbuat lebih pada masa yang pendek. Jika itu terjadi, segeralah manfaatkan kesempatan untuk membuat langkah "raksasa" yang akan mempercepat kita mencapai tujuan. Jika bisa selesai dalam sehari, mengapa harus menunggu seminggu? Jadikan hari Senin penuh semangat, penuh kemantapan hati untuk melangkah menuju terwujudnya setiap cita-cita, baik jangka pendek, menengah, atau pun panjang.

Siap action? Salam sukses luar biasa!!

source: I Love Monday - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi


Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Top Tips Mengelola Stres - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

Stres adalah kenyataan hidup. Keadaan ini bisa ditemukan di mana saja. Di kantor maupun di rumah. Jika di kantor umumnya berhubungan dengan pekerjaan atau perilaku bos, rekan kerja, mitra bisnis, dan sebagainya. Di rumah bisa macam-macam sebabnya.
Stres pun bisa menyebabkan hal-hal di luar dugaan. Mulai dari kegemukan hingga akibat fatal semacam bunuh diri. Secara medis stres yang dibiarkan bisa mengakibatkan gangguan tidur. Akibat fatalnya bisa mengganggu sistem kekebalan tubuh. Nah, bagaimana cara menangani stres? Berita baiknya, menangani stres tak perlu biaya. Berikut tips dari penulis buku dan pembicara Scott Halford yang bisa dilakukan dengan gratis.

Tidur. Ketika kita tidur sebenarnya kita tak benar-benar istirahat. Otak kita justru mengunduh kegiatan sehari-hari ke dalam memori kita dan membuatnya menjadi berbagai kode. Hal ini justru bisa menjdi tahapan untuk memecahkan problem yang mengganggu dalam sehari itu. Bahkan tidur yang hanya 10 menit pun bisa membuat syaraf otak kita mampu membuat keputusan terbaik dan bereaksi terhadap sesuatu yang membuat kita stres. Sebelum rapat besar, usahakan Anda sudah cukup istirahat sehingga otak siap bekerja buat kita, bukan melawan kita.

Jika dalam empat hari berturut-turut kita hanya tidur empat hingga enam jam sehari, fisik kita bisa seperti orang yang minum bir sebanyak enam pak tanpa kegembiraan yang menyertainya. Bisa dibayangkan jika dalam kondisi itu kita harus memasuki rapat besar yang menentukan nasib kita di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, jangan lupakan tidur yang cukup!

Berpikir postitif. Kita bisa menanggapi suatu kejadian sebagai hal positif atau negatif. Semua itu tergantung pada bagaimana kita menyikapinya. Misalnya, jika kita mendapat penolakan dari klien, kita bisa menyikapinya dengan sikap bahwa tawaran kita itu sudah tak ada harapan lagi. Kita pun jadi stres. Sebaliknya, kita juga bisa menanggapinya bahwa ini adalah tahapan awal untuk melangkah ke tahap berikutnya. Dengan memberi perubahan atau perbaikan, kita bisa menawarkannya lagi. Jika sikap positif kedua yang diambil kita akan terbebas dari stres dan tetap semangat bekerja. Inilah salah satu kunci sukses seorang penjual.

Melamun. Biarkan pikiran kita mengembara. Memang banyak orang yang bilang melamun itu kebiasaan buruk. Namun sejumlah penelitian justru menemukan bahwa melamun itu membuat seseorang jadi lebih kreatif. Ketika kita mengurangi hormon stres kortisol, pikiran kita bisa mencapai bagian otak yang sebelumnya tidak terjangkau saat kita dalam keadaan stres. Oleh karena itu gunakan waktu 10 menit saja untuk melamun. Biarkan pikiran kita mengembara ke mana-mana. Siapa tahu dari sana dapat ide brilian bernilan jutaan dolar.

Tertawa. Ini salah satu pembunuh stres tercepat. Tertawa akan melawan kortisol (hormon penyebab stres) dan membuat otak belajar dan berpikir tentang sesuatu hal yang baru. Ketika kita serius, kita sedang menyalakan kondisi protektif kita. Kita mungkin bisa memecahkan masalah, tetapi hanya memecahkan masalah lama bukan mencipatkan sesuatu yang baru. Karena itu bergembiralah. Baca jokes menyegarkan. Temui orang-orang lucu. Tertawalah, ide baru segera datang!

Selamat mencoba. Salam sukses, Luar Biasa!!

sumber: Top Tips Mengelola Stres - Artikel Motivasi dan Cerita Motivasi

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Status update: VISA and MasterCard processing

Status update: VISA and MasterCard processing

As you know, over the last weeks, we have been continuously striving to find a definitive solution to re-enable VISA and MasterCard processing.

Our team is enthusiastic and relentless in their resolve to provide the best service possible. Although VISA and MasterCard processing is not available in the time-frame we had all hoped for, we would like to take this opportunity to assure you that progress is being made.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this service outage is causing. In the meantime, we urge you to explore the other payment options AlertPay offers.

Thank you to all our loyal customers who have stuck with us through this time, your support further strengthens our resolve!

Status update: VISA and MasterCard processing

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Successful Strategies | Alan's Report

Welcome to Successful Strategies!

Simple Truths if ignored will spell disaster for your High Yield Programs..
Also known as HYIP ( High Yield Investment Programs)

1: Get in Early
2: Get in Big
3: Get your initial investment out as soon as possible
4: After #3 above re-invest a proportion of your profit
5: Cashout as often as possible!

Follow the 5 simple truths above and you are ahead of 99.9% of everyone else involved with High Yield Programs!

Detailed Discussion about each of the 5 Simple Truths:

1: Get in Early
Given our stated belief that all High Yield Programs are based on the ponzi model, therefore it makes sense to believe that every program already has a “use by date” fixed to it.. it will fail and every day that we are undecided to join and invest our money we are one day closer to losing our money!

It becomes important therefore to consider the life of the program already at the point when you join.. Join too early before it has proven itself and you just leave yourself open to scam after scam.. yes, I have rushed to join new programs that on the surface met all my criteria to find the admin had no intention of paying out any money and all of us who rushed to join lost our shirts!

The subject of when is not too early, or too late is full of conjecture.. so you must take the time to investigate all programs before you join to make sure.. the plans on offer make sense, they are paying, answering support tickets, attracting new paying members everyday.. again, be guided by what you know, what you feel, and what others in forums and blogs are saying.. but be careful of what I call the “$5 cowboys”, who never put in any real money and fill the forums with every cashout for 10 cents they receive.. these “$5 cowboys” are easy for admins to keep happy but that does not mean when you add your $1,000 to the program your cashout requests will be handled the same!

2: Get in Big
Once your decision is made to join and invest into your chosen program there is no point doing a test run.. why? because if you have completed your research then by doing a test run with a small amount that just takes you that many days closer to “fail date”.. At the point of joining and upgrading with your already decided amount is critical.. in the HYIP world once a program goes down it goes down fast (overnight)!

3: Get your initial investment out as soon as possible
Cashout cashout cashout should be your only thought until you are in profit.. DO NOT rethink and add more money to the program later because again you are just leaving yourself at greater risk each day as you come closer to “fail day”!

4: After #3 above re-invest a proportion of your profit
The reason you invest money into High Yield Programs is to make fast money.. once in profit now you consider your next step!
If the program met your needs, did not have any major issues while you were cashing out and you believe that the program still has legs for weeks, maybe months to come then consider re-investing some of your profit (not putting back any of your original invest money) back into the program..
Some use the 50/50 model.. cashout 50% per period and re-invest 50% of your profit
If you see the program lasting for the foreseeable future then consider the 80/20 rule..
Re-Invest 80% of your Profit.. Cashout the 20%..

5: Cashout as often as possible!
Whatever you decide above make sure every cashout period.. daily, weekly or monthly that you are cashing out part or all of your profit back to your Payment Processor!

Money looking back at you from inside any program is worthless unless it gets translated into Cash in your Alertpay, LibertyReserve, Perfect Money etc account.. only then can you say “I MADE MONEY in XZY Program”.. not before!

source: Successful Strategies | Alan's Report

Rabu, 16 November 2011

be boss yourself

be boss yourself be boss 4 yourself , it's your free_option, 2 work_from_home bebossyourself.blogspot.com bebossmyself.blogspot.com the process of learning ...

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Why Wedding Ring on 4th Finger ?

Why Wedding Ring on 4th Finger?
Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger?
There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given, though many Legends existed...
* Thumb represents your Parents
* Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
* Middle finger represents your-Self
* Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
* and the Last (Little) finger represents your children

Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together - back to back. Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip (as shown in the pic above).
Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents)..., they will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.
Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings)... ., they will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives.
Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers (representing your children)... ., they will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day.
Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse). You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT....., because Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!!
P.S. Please try this out......... .... ISN'T THIS A LOVELY THEORY?

Rabu, 07 September 2011


BEBÊ CANTA NA IGREJA (Baby singing in the church)

God Will Take Care of You (Original Upload)

Watch this Video , nice and beautiful:

Jumat, 02 September 2011

2. Qiangtang River Tidal Bore in Hangzhou China 钱塘江大潮 中国杭州 2

Qiangtang River Tidal Bore in Hangzhou China 钱塘江大潮 中国杭州

Qiangtang River Tidal Bore in Hangzhou China


MARC FABER: “EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE GOLD” August 24, 2011 by pmontesdeoca Posted by Brittany Stepniak – Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 Faber thinks everyone should have gold, but he isn’t recommending them to buy physical goldright now. He expects a gold correction in the near future, when investors can buy on dips. More importantly Faber stresses that he doesn’t trust the banks; he trusts no one, in fact. read more MARC FABER: “EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE GOLD”

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

JSS Tripler Restart - What It Means To you

JSS Tripler Restart - What It Means To you

Speech is silver, Silence is golden

Silence is golden
That fuller version - 'speech is silver; silence is golden', is still sometimes used, although the shorter form is now more common.
"Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together; that at length they may emerge, full-formed and majestic, into the daylight of Life, which they are thenceforth to rule. Not William the Silent only, but all the considerable men I have known, and the most undiplomatic and unstrategic of these, forbore to babble of what they were creating and projecting. Nay, in thy own mean perplexities, do thou thyself but hold thy tongue for one day: on the morrow, how much clearer are thy purposes and duties; what wreck and rubbish have those mute workmen within thee swept away, when intrusive noises were shut out! Speech is too often not, as the Frenchman defined it, the art of concealing Thought; but of quite stifling and suspending Thought, so that there is none to conceal. Speech too is great, but not the greatest. As the Swiss Inscription says: Sprecfien ist silbern, Schweigen ist golden (Speech is silver, Silence is golden); or as I might rather express it: Speech is of Time, Silence is of Eternity."

read more: Speech is silver, Silence is golden

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Bagaimana 10 Entrepreneur Online Membangun Komunitas

Bagaimana 10 Entrepreneur Online Membangun Komunitas
Sepuluh orang entrepreneur yang bergerak di bidang bisnis online disodori pertanyaan yang sama: “Langkah pertama apakah yang Anda ambil untuk membangun komunitas pendukung dan pengikutnya yang loyal dan unik?”
Bagi saya, semua itu terjadi dengan begitu saja tanpa perencanaan atau strategi. Saya hanya meraba-raba tetapi sebagian besar kegiatan saya berkenaan dengan hal-hal sebagai berikut: klik: bagaimana-10-entrepreneur-online-membangun-komunitas

Harga Emas Dunia, menjelang masa mudik Lebaran Agustus 2011

Harga Emas Dunia, menjelang masa mudik Lebaran Agustus 2011

Spot Gold closed August 27, 2011 @ $1827.36
Tanda tanya: berapa harga emas hari Senin 29 Aguatus 2011 ?

Harga Emas Dunia, menjelang masa mudik Lebaran Agustus 2011

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

1001 share, share and share ... Amazing !

Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde "An Ha Lim CARDS Magic"
click and watch: 1001 share, share and share ... Amazing !

What is the NY Globex ? Nymex , CBOT ?

What is the NY Globex ?
The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) is just like good old-fashioned market place, except on a scale big enough to host world trade, where commodities and commodity futures are traded and prices paid for anything from pork bellies to coffee and cane tell the world what it should pay for these things in markets around the world over time. The New York Commodities Exchange (COMEX) is the material part of the market (gold, silver, copper, Nickel, etc.). Think of it as paper for goods and goods for paper.

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) is the place where financial derivative like futures and options began trading in the US. After merging with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the NYMEX counterpart) it became the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group). Think of it as paper for paper.

CME bought NYMEX last month so Chicago and New York are all under one ownership now.

GLOBEX is the 24 hour worldwide electronic platform for trading financial derivatives and is a CME implementation. With financial superpowers now active around the globe in all timezones, GLOBEX gives trading access independent of time and place. This will likely increase smoothness of trading, reduce erratic price swings and prevent imbalances built-up because of traditional markets opening and closing at various times in various places.

read more What is the NY Globex, Nymex & CBOT ?

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Is Gold Getting "Bubbly"?

Is Gold Getting "Bubbly"?

Gold surged higher on Monday, hitting $1,900 intra-day and closing just below that mark. In less than two months the yellow metal has rallied more than 26% amid concerns about the global economy and the possibility that the Federal Reserve may offer a new round of economic stimulus.

Gold investors couldn’t be happier as the metal is up 34% for 2011 and is heading for an eleventh straight annual gain, the longest winning streak since 1920. In 2011 gold has outperformed global equities, commodities and Treasuries.

After such a strong performance, many investors are wondering if the yellow metal is nearing a top.

read more:
Is Gold Getting "Bubbly"?

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

BUKTI $1234

BUKTI $1234

» Salah Satu Bukti Pembayaran $1234 pertama saya dari JSS-Tripler «

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Are You a Good Boss to Yourself ?

Are You a Good Boss to Yourself ?

bebossmyself ,
bebossyourself ,
be boss yourself ,
be boss to yourself , bebosstoyourself , beboss2yourself ,
be boss for yourself , bebossforyourself , beboss4yourself :

click here: bebossyourself

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Indefinitely Sustainable ?

Indefinitely Sustainable?
JSS-Tripler claims to be “Indefinitely Sustainable”

Most people who read that do not believe it!

In fact I get regular emails telling me this “fact”

“it’s a scam”
“it will fail”
“how can they pay out so much and not crash”

Why do they say that?

Indefinitely Sustainable?

Indefinitely Sustainable ?

Indefinitely Sustainable?
JSS-Tripler claims to be “Indefinitely Sustainable”

Most people who read that do not believe it!

In fact I get regular emails telling me this “fact”

“it’s a scam”
“it will fail”
“how can they pay out so much and not crash”

Why do they say that?

Two Reasons!

1: They have not bothered to find out anything about JSS-Tripler yet are happy to share their “experience” with me.. thinking that because it comes out of their mouth it must be true!! Sorry for them!

2: Their ability to lose money in everything they join means that if they join JSS-Tripler it “must” fail also!!

So what is it that JSS-Tripler is saying about itself that makes them believe they can keep this program going forever?

The JSS-Tripler FAQ says this:

Question: Does paying 150% or $15 in cash, and the rest in the form of JSS positions, make JSS-Tripler indefinitely sustainable?
Answer: No. As JSS-Tripler grows, a time may come when the 2% daily earnings cannot be sustained. At this point, our “Restart Feature” (RSF) will be used. The way RSF works is that some existing JSS-Tripler positions are “wound up,” and JSS-Tripler is essentially restarted with much smaller obligations. The “old” JSS-Tripler positions are “wound up” by being “paid out” partially in cash and partially in the form of JSS positions. A formula is used to maximize the “cash positions” of our members.

Question: What happens if, because of unforeseen events, such as server downtime, DDOS attacks, etc., there’s a general loss of confidence in JSS-Tripler and members stop buying new positions?
Answer: RSF will be used to effectively restart JSS-Tripler as a new program and to “wind up” the “old” JSS-Tripler positions.

Question: If RSF is applied, will my earnings decline?
Answer: Yes, there will be a temporary decline. Because you retain all your downline members, your earnings will tend to increase over time after JSS-Tripler is effectively relaunched. By compounding and sponsoring more people, you’ll be able to increase your earnings to higher levels than before.

Question: If RSF is applied, will I lose money?
Answer: No. Some or all of your unexpired JSS-Tripler positions may be converted into JSS positions, but you won’t lose any money.

Question: Exactly what is the “big breakthrough” that makes JSS-Tripler indefinitely sustainable?
Answer: Generally, the obligations or liabilities of high-return programs grow over time. Eventually they can no longer fulfill their payout obligations. When this happens, the typical program owners “run with the money” and the programs disappear. Then you lose whatever you had left in the program.

The big breakthrough is that when JSS-Tripler positions are converted into JSS positions, liabilities are converted into assets. A JSS-Tripler position is a program liability – daily payouts have to be made. A JSS position is a program asset — no payouts have to be made, unless more money first comes in to cycle the JSS position. A JSS position is an asset for the position owner as well as for the program!

JSS-Tripler is “Indefinitely Sustainable” because of the Restart Feature (RSF)!

Your JSS-Tripler positions are redistributed as below:
1: The Number of your JSS-Tripler positions is reduced to what the program can afford to Pay 2% per Day!
2: JSS-Tripler positions that are “reduced” are turned into JSS-Matrix positions and Cash!
3: The Cash will be in your JSS account where you can either cashout or buy new JSS-Tripler, JSS-Matrix, JSS-Booster or JSS-Warp positions!

So in fact you will not lose anything.. JSS-Tripler Restarts (RSF) and because you now know this is the very beginning again, and the owner and admin have proven to you their honesty and ability to restart JSS-Tripler as they set out when JSS-Tripler was first launched, you will have the confidence to buy new JSS-Tripler positions and of course tell others about this amazing program!

Question: Is JSS-Tripler Indefinitely Sustainable?
Answer: YES IT IS!!

Indefinitely Sustainable?

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Has Gold Peaked ?

Has Gold Peaked?
Posted on 12 August 2011 by by: Matt Grossman
After a three-day rally in gold that vaulted the price over $1,800, yesterday the yellow metal had its biggest sell-off of the past seven weeks. There are a number of reasons for this drop but a major catalyst was the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s decision to hike its margin requirement on Wednesday night.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) is the world’s leading derivatives market place. On the CME, precious metal futures, like gold and silver, are heavily traded by traders and institutional investors from all around the world.
To trade on the CME, traders and institutions must follow a certain set of rules and requirements. One of these requirements is how much margin is needed to purchase a certain amount of a particular commodity. The CME can alter the margin requirements without warning and at anytime. Increasing margin requirements means that those traders or institutions that are long a particular commodity must increase the amount of cash they have invested in their position, if they wish to continue to hold it. Otherwise they are forced to sell some or all of their position to meet the new margin requirements.
On Wednesday night the CME raised the margin on gold futures by 22%. This means that the minimum amount of cash that speculators must keep on deposit for an initial account increased to $7,425 on a 100-ounce contract from $6,075.
Those traders/investors who didn’t have enough cash to cover the additional margin liquidated some or all of their positions, causing a drop in the price of the tallow metal. Also, those buyers who were considering entering into the upward momentum yesterday morning probably stayed away from doing so as they expected gold prices to fall.
Another reason why gold sold off yesterday was that traders/investors are concerned that gold has come too far too fast – in just the past six weeks, gold has rallied more than 20%.
In addition, there is speculation that large hedge funds will be forced to raise money by selling gold. Well known portfolio manager John Paulson’s fund is reportedly down more than 31% for the year. However, the fund’s largest winner has been a large gold position and many are wondering if a huge panic sell-off will occur if/when Paulson decides to liquidate.
However, not all investors are ready to call a top in gold. Gold bulls argue that central banks from around the world are still buying the yellow metal, most countries are actively trying to devalue their currency, and there is still a chance of another round of quantitative easing in the US. Not to mention, the European sovereign debt crisis has many people thinking that the days of the eurozone economy are numbered.
As for me, I have been bullish on gold for years and continue to be. I’m not saying that it can’t have a retracement in the short term but I don’t think it’s seen its all time highs. Between weakening fiat currencies and continued high levels of fear and uncertainty, I believe gold will continue to move higher and be the asset investors turn to for protection and safety.
What do you think? Do you think gold has hit a top? Do you think this is just a temporary retracement? Where do you think gold will be trading by the end of 2011?
Has Gold Peaked ?

Gold reached a new intraday high of $1,782.50

Investors flee to gold while oil slips

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Stock-shocked investors are fleeing to gold, pushing the precious metal to new heights, while oil continues to retreat.
Gold reached a new intraday high of $1,782.50 per ounce in electronic trading before backing down to $1,745.40. That's an increase of $32.20, or about 2%, compared to its Monday close. On Monday, gold broke $1,700 for the first time.

read more:
Investors flee to gold while oil slips

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

be boss yourself !

Something Positive Always Happening

Are You a Good Boss to Yourself ?
" be boss yourself "


click to join :

Are You a Good Boss to Yourself to Motivate ?

Are You a Good Boss to Yourself to Motivate ?

Mengapa hanya segelintir orang yang bisa mewujudkan mimpi2nya,
sedangkan jutaan mimpi orang lainnya, gagal di tengah jalan?
Salah satu alasan utama adalah "lemahnya determinasi"!

klik disini :
Determinasi,kemauan - Cerita Motivasi | Artikel Motivasi | Kata Bijak | Motivasi

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

5 Reasons George Soros is WRONG about Gold | StreetAuthority

5 Reasons George Soros is WRONG about Gold

George Soros is a world-renowned former billionaire hedge-fund manager and philanthropist. He co-founded the Quantum Fund in the 1970s with Jim Rogers, another world-famous investor. Soros' fame grew in 1992 when he made $1 billion by short-selling the pound sterling, speculating that the British government would be forced to devalue the currency. He became known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England."

Unlike his former partner Jim Rogers, who is credited with anticipating the commodity boom that started in the late 1990s and who is keeping his gold, Soros has been selling a lot of gold. The moves speak volumes. He believes gold is in a bubble and he'd rather sell before everybody else catches on.
source: read more, click :
5 Reasons George Soros is WRONG about Gold | StreetAuthority

Perundingan Yunani deadlock, harga emas kembali menanjak

Perundingan Yunani deadlock, harga emas kembali menanjak

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

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be boss to yourself

Are you a great boss to yourself ?

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click here: bebossyourself

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Why China Needs to Buy More Gold

This list shows how countries stack up in terms of gold reserves.

As you can see, only 1.6% of China's foreign reserve holdings are in gold. They still hold over a trillion is in US debt. But they're actively working on diversifying that "overweight" asset allocation, as over any extended period its value has dropped.
Back in April, I wrote about how some analysts say China may spend up to $1 trillion of their foreign reserves:
China has been moving away from the dollar, and into alternative stores of wealth for years now.
But $1 trillion into gold? If it happens, such a large move would further threaten the dollar's status as reserve currency. It would also provide further buying pressure in gold for years to come (as the dollar crumples into a pitiful heap on the floor).

read the rest

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Are you a Best Boss to Yourself ?

Are you a best boss to yourself ?

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Earn Income Online , click here

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Gold price, USD per ounce, London PM fix

The gold price used in the charts and statistics on this site is the London PM fix. This price is quoted in US dollars. Where the gold price is presented in currencies other than the US dollar, it is converted into the local currency unit using the foreign exchange rate closing price on the same day. For example, the London PM fix on 30th September 2010 was USD 1,307.00 and the closing price for one USD was GBP 0.636. The gold price in pounds sterling (GBP) would therefore be calculated as £831.25.

Like all prices, the gold price reflects not only the inherent value of gold, but also the relative strength of the currency in which it is quoted. For example, the dollar price of gold may increase more in percentage terms than the sterling price of gold, to the extent that the change in price is a reflection of dollar weakness (in this case, against sterling) rather than an intrinsic change in gold market fundamentals. For this reason, our Investment Statistics contain charts showing an index of the gold price in US dollars and local currency units as well as the relevant US dollar / local currency unit exchange rate for countries other than the United States.

What does London PM Fix mean?

What does London PM Fix mean?

Afternoon fixing price for gold and silver at London.
The London gold and silver fix are widely followed benchmarks for gold and silver prices.
The term 'fix' is used in a nautical sense, as in fixing on a point, which is the price at which the market is balanced. The 'fix' occurs when buy and sell orders of the fixing brokers are matched to bring the market into balance at a certain price, which becomes the 'fixing' price or 'fix' for short.
The London gold fix is set twice each business day. The London AM fix begins at 10am (5am in New York), and the London PM fix begins at 3pm (10am in New York). The London silver fix begins each business day at 12pm (7am in New York).
The London PM fix is widely followed to provide daily gold price quotes and is reported in major newspapers and at many gold-related websites.
A history of London fixing prices can be found on the London Bullion Market Association website.

source,click here:
What does London PM Fix mean?

Senin, 25 April 2011

Tips berkebun emas


Sikap Penduduk Jepang (pasca Tsunami Jepang 11 Maret 2011)PDFPrint
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Bagaimana takjubnya dunia terhadap perilaku penduduk Jepang pascamusibah tsunami sudah banyak Anda baca. Dunia kagum dengan kedisiplinan dan kerukunan orang Jepang melewati masa-masa sulit.

Tak ada rebutan makanan, walaupun perut kosong atau anak menangis.Tak ada saling serobot lalu lintas,meski sudah lebih dari lima jam jalan tidak bergerak.Tak ada amarah atau komplain yang diucapkan,kendati listrik terus-menerus padam dan kereta api tak kunjung datang.Semua orang tahu bagaimana cara menahan diri. Apa yang membuat orangorang Jepang mampu menahan diri seperti itu?


Setiap kali saya bersenggolan di Tokyo atau di Osaka yang padat, kata sumimasen menjadi begitu familier di telinga saya. Begitu cepat orang yang menyenggol mengucapkankatatersebut— yangberarti ’permisi’ atau ’maafkan saya’. Anak-anak di Jepang begitu cepat mengucapkan kata itu satu dengan lainnya, disertai anggukan kepala sebagai tanda respek. Selama beberapa kali melakukan kunjungan dan studi di Jepang, seingat saya hampir tidak pernah saya melihat orang Jepang berkelahi atau rebut mulut.

Bahkan saya tak pernah melihat orang-orang Jepang bertatap mata dengan tajam seperti yang sering kita saksikan saat remaja-remaja kita bertengkar.Tawuran? Ini apalagi. Praktis tidak terdengar. Di Anyer,seorangtemanyang membuka usaha rumah makan Jepang yang dilengkapi pijat sehat bercerita bahwa pelanggan- pelanggannya semula adalah para eksekutif Jepang yang sedang bertugas di sana.

Entah karena apa belakangan di sekitar Anyer datang pekerja asal Korea dan mereka secara beramai-ramai mendominasi tempat pijat.Tentu saja hal ini membuat pelanggan asal Jepang terdesak. Anda tahu apa yang dilakukan keluarga asal Jepang yang terdesak itu? Mereka diam seribu bahasa dan memilih mundur perlahan-lahan. Tak ingin terlibat dalam keributan telah menjadi karakter penduduk Jepang.

Beberapa pemuda magang asal Indonesia yang saya temui di Osaka pada September tahun lalu bercerita bagaimana nilai-nilai itu dibangun di Jepang. Berbeda dengan di Tanah Air, katanya, di taman kanakkanak mereka tidak diajari matematika. Lantas apa yang diajarkan? ”Mencuci piring,mengepel, dan origami,”ujarnya. ”Satu lagi, kalau bersentuhan mereka harus Cepatcepat bilang sumimasen,” katanya. Berbeda dengan di Indonesia.

Taman kanak-kanak yang tak lain adalah tempat bermain telah berubah menjadi sekolah yang dilengkapi target yang luar biasa ambisius. Di pintu sekolah, ibu-ibu muda menggunjingkan pelajaran berhitung dengan membanggakan anak-anaknya yang katanya sudah pintar menghafal angka 1 sampai 100.

Sementara itu, stasiun televisi sangat getol menampilkan anak-anak pandai menghafal nama-nama negara atau bendera berbagai bangsa. Tak ada yang mempersoalkan anak-anak itu berbicara sambil mengunyah makanan atau terduduk- tidur seenaknya. Kita telah lebih mengedepankan aspek kognitif ketimbang aspek psikomotorik yang menjadi pembentuk karakter yang penting.


Orang-orang Jepang bagi saya adalah sosok yang sangat menarik.Agak pemalu, sangat santun, dan bicaranya halus. Terkesan tidak ingin menonjolkan diri dan secara individu tidak begitu dominan.Namun, bila berada dalam sebuah tim mereka pun menunjukkan keperkasaan. Manajemen Jepang pada dasarnya adalah manajemen SOP (standard operating procedure). Apa pun juga mereka ingin standardisasikan. Prinsipnya semua harus dibuat tertulis, persis seperti filosofi ISO, ”Write what you do,and do what you write”(Tulis apa yang Anda kerjakan,dan kerjakan seperti yang tertulis).

Dengan modal SOP seperti itu Jepang membangun industrinya dengan detail, terencana, repetisi, dan terkoreksi melalui mekanisme kontrol. Setiap kali seseorang menemukan sebuah produk dari sebuah sampel yang diambil ada yang cacat, proses produksi pun dihentikan.Mereka memencet tombol,mesin berhenti,dan semua orang dalam satu line di pabrik segera masuk ruang rapat. Mereka menelusuri sebab- sebab dan memperbaikinya on the spot. Seorang bintang olahraga baseball Jepang mengatakan, ”Yang paling saya bosan bermain di sini adalah seringnya coachmeminta time out.”

Mereka rewel dan detail, tetapi hasilnya luar biasa. Cerita lain soal SOP dialami istri saya saat dia membeli kamera yang menjadi hobi anak kami. Dua jam dia berbicara dengan petugas hanya untuk meminta agar kamera yang dibelinya dapat diganti pada bagian-bagian tertentu, ternyata tidak selesai-selesai.Pegawai KBRI yang menjemput kemudian memberi tahu kami: ”Di sini kalau Anda memesan makanan terimalah sesuai menu.Kalau di Indonesia Anda bisa meminta pesanan makanan ditambahi cabai, kurangi lemak,tambahi jamur atau buat lebih asin,demikian mudah.

Di Jepang semua orang bekerja sesuai SOP dan menyesuaikan diri dengan masing-masing selera adalah masalah besar.” Mungkin karena itu pulalah Bapak dan Ibu mengalami kesulitan untuk mengirim bantuan makanan, obat-obatan, pakaian, bahkan relawan kemanusiaan untuk membantu evakuasi para korban Tsunami di Jepang. Semua sudah ada SOP-nya dan standar mereka begitu tinggi.

Kontrol begitu ketat—demi sebuah kesejahteraan. Namun apa pun yang terjadi, tetaplah menunduk, mohon ampun, dan berdoalah agar saudara-saudara kita yang terkena musibah di Jepang diberi kekuatan dan semoga arwah para korban diberi ampunan. Kita juga berdoa agar musibah seperti itu menjauh dari Tanah Air.

Ketua Program MM UI 



maaf : permisi : terima kasih

Kaya dari Affiliate Marketing

Kaya dari Affiliate Marketing 

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Emas sebagai investasi


Emas, Investasi yang Hampir Dilupakan
Ketika arus modernisasi menguat, terjadi pergeseran nilai. Kian tinggi pendidikan, semakin realistis masyarakat. Berkaitan dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan, perlahan tapi pasti, orang mulai melirik investasi modern lainnya seperti: Tabungan, Deposito, Saham, Reksadana dan lain sebagainya. Namun dua kali krisis moneter terjadi di Indonesia, tahun 1998 dan 2008, investasi Emas mebuktikan jauh lebih aman dari investasi lainnya.
gold i oz gold Gold Coin gold 01
Pertama, emas adalah benda yg mempunyai NILAI INFLASI NOL. Kedua, tiap tahun harga emas mengalami kenaikan rata-rata sekitar 20% -30% bahkan lebih. Tapi sebetulnya bukan harga emas yang naik…nilai emas tetap saja segitu, tapi nilai uang yang terus turun, jadi seolah-olah emas yang naik. Kalau kita punya uang lalu disimpan di bank apalagi untuk jangka panjang, sesungguhnya tanpa kita sadari uang kita tersebut berkurang karena inflasi. Nilai uang 100 juta saat ini tidak sama dengan nilai uang 100 jt 10 tahun yang akan datang. Dari data yg ada hitungan inflasi bisa mencapai 10%/thn, sementara bunga tabungan hanya 2.5%-3.5% per-tahun atau paling besar juga deposito 6%-7% per-tahun.
Uang seharusnya memiliki tiga fungsi utama: Sebagai Alat Tukar (Medium of Exchange), Sebagai Satuan Pembukuan (Unit of Account) dan Sebagai Unit Penyimpanan Nilai (Store of Value). Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah Uang Kertas yang kita pergunakan sehari-hari memiliki ketiga fungsi tersebut?
- Fungsi sebagai Alat Tukar (Medium of Exchange), jawabannya YA. Secara de facto dan de jure, Uang Kertas saat ini menjadi satu-satunya alat tukar yang sah dan kita pergunakan sehari-hari.
- Fungsi sebagai Satuan Pembukuan (Unit of Account), jawabannya YA. Walaupun ini masih harus dipertanyakan, mengapa karena salah satu prinsip Akuntansi dan Pembukuan adalah konsistensi, sementara nilai Uang Kertas tidak pernah konsisten. Nanti kita bahas dalam artikel yang berbeda, saat ini saya tidak akan membahas ini.
- Fungsi sebagai Unit Penyimpanan Nilai (Store of Value). Kalau ini jawabannya sudah jelas TIDAK. Setiap saat secara perlahan dan PASTI nilai Uang Kertas Anda di “rampok” oleh oknum yang namanya INFLASI.
Beberapa manfaat dari kepemilikan Emas secara fisik adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Tidak Ada Counterparty Risk Dalam Emas. Ketika Anda memegang Emas, Anda memegang Tangible Asset yang tidak tergantung pada orang lain. Tangible Asset dalam genggaman Anda ini menjadi semakin penting pada saat krisis keuangan melanda. Tanyakan pada orang yang menaruh uang di Lehman Brothers (Amerika) misalnya. Juga pada orang yang mengalami krisis finansial yang serius di negaranya, maka Anda akan tahu betapa pentingnya Tangible Asset berupa Emas ini
  2. Konsistensi Daya Beli. Katakanlah harga Emas turun menjadi US$ 500/troy oz dua tahun lagi, pastilah harga komiditi yang lain seperti gandum, minyak, dsb juga ikut turun. Statistik berabad-abad menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang nyata antara harga Emas dengan harga komoditi-komoditi yang dibutuhkan manusia. Jadi seandainya harga Emas turun, Anda juga tidak mengalami penurunan dalam kemakmuran Anda, karena Anda akan tetap dapat membeli barang-barang kebutuhan Anda dengan jumlah Emas yang sama.
  3. Tidak Tergantung Pada Keputusan Pemerintah. Beda dengan Uang Kertas yang nilainya bergantung pada keputusan pemerintah dan birokrat masing-masing negara, Emas nilainya sama sekali tidak bergantung mereka. Dengan memegang Emas, Anda tidak perlu mencemaskan keputusan Pemerintah Anda tentang suku bunga dan sejenisnya.
  4. Asset Yang Berada Di Luar Sistem Perbankan. Dengan Emas Anda berkesempatan untuk memiliki aset yang di luar pengaruh sistem perbankan sama sekali. Kita tahu bahwa perbankan di seluruh dunia tanpa terkecuali negara maju sekalipun selalu dihantui krisis dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan Emas Anda akan terbebas dari pusaran krisis perbankan yang bisa muncul kapan saja dan di mana saja.
  5. Motivasi untuk strategi ketahanan financial. Emas sudah terbukti dan teruji dalam rentang waktu yang sangat panjang dalam melawan Inflasi. Orang cenderung akan membeli Emas apabila ia tahu inflasi akan memburuk.
Mengapa Emas disebut sebagai Logam Terpilih?
Emas adalah Lambang . . .

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Positive Visualization

Positive visualization: 

What You Think is What You Create

Creativity requires courage and is therefore avoided by the majority of people. The creative process cannot take place until you are willing to let go of what you presently have and replace it with something new. 
Here are a few steps, taken from the Manifesting Results course, you can do in order to manifest successfully, anything you are willing to create:

(See also: Practising Law of AttractionNisandeh Neta, Law of Attraction, Practising Law of AttractionLaw of Attraction for Prosperity, Law of Attraction for Love, Law of Attraction - Obstacles )

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Pareto Principle ( The 80-20 Rule )

Pareto Principle - The 80-20 Rule - Complete Information

What is the Pareto Principle ?
The misnamed Pareto principle (also known as the 20-80 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity) states that for many phenomena 80% of consequences stem from 20% of the causes. The idea has rule-of-thumb application in many places, but it's also commonly and unthinkingly misused.

It is important to note that many people misconstrue the principle (because of the coincidence that 20+80=100): it could just as well read that 80% of the consequences stem from 10% of the causes. Many people would reject such an "80-10" rule, but it is mathematically meaningful nevertheless.The principle was suggested by management thinker Joseph M. Juran. It was named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 80% of property in Italy was owned by 20% of the Italian population. Since J. M. Juran adopted the idea, it might better be called "Juran's assumption". That assumption is that most of the results in any situation are determined by a small number of causes. That idea is often applied to data such as sales figures: "20% of clients are responsible for 80% of sales volume." This is testable, it's likely to be roughly right, and it is helpful in your future decision making.
Some hold that the principle is recursive, and may be applied to the top 20% of causes; thus there would be a "64-4" rule, and a "51.8-0.8" rule, and so on.
This is a special case of the wider phenomenon of Pareto distributions.
The Pareto principle is unrelated to Pareto efficiency, which really was introduced by Vilfredo Pareto.
Who was Vilfredo Pareto?
Vilfredo Pareto (born July 15, 1848 in France - died August 19, 1923 in Lausanne, Switzerland) made several important contributions to economics, sociology and moral philosophy, especially in the study of income distribution and in the analysis of individuals' choices. He introduced the concept of Pareto efficiency and helped develop the field of microeconomics with ideas such as indifference curves.
In 1906, he made the well-known observation that 20% of the population owned 80% of the property in Italy, later generalised (by Joseph M. Juran and others) into the so-called Pareto principle (for many phenomena 80% of consequences stem from 20% of the causes)

Who was Joseph M. Juran, the real "father" of the Pareto Principle?

Joeseph M. Juran (born December 1904 in Romania) has been called the "father" of quality. Joseph M. Juran's major contribution to the world has been in the field of quality management. Perhaps most important, he is recognized as the person who added the human dimension to quality—broadening it from its statistical origins.
In 1937, Dr. Juran conceptualized the Pareto principle, which millions of managers rely on to help separate the "vital few" from the "useful many" in their activities. This is commonly referred to as the 20-80 principle. In 2003, the American Society for Quality is proposing renaming the Pareto Principle the "Juran Principle." Its universal application makes it one of the most useful concepts and tools of modern-day management.

source, read more ...: http://www.gassner.co.il/pareto/

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Gold: 'This is the perfect storm'

Gold: 'This is the perfect storm'

On Friday April 8, 2011, 12:14 pm EDT

Gold prices have hit a series of record highs this week, as a combination of inflation worries, a weaker U.S. dollar and geopolitical turmoil have weighed on investor confidence.
On Friday, gold futures for June delivery were up $15.40, or 1%, to $1,474.90 an ounce, a day after the contract settled at a nominal all-time high of $1,459.30 an ounce.
Gold has been on a tear since late January, when the metal traded as low as $1,320 an ounce. But the rally kicked into high gear this week, with gold touching new highs every day except Monday.
Of course, the records this week are not adjusted for inflation. Gold rose to $825.50 per ounce on Jan. 21, 1980, which is $2,211.65 in today's dollars, according to the Minneapolis Fed Calculator.
Silver, meanwhile, rose over 2% to $40.46 an ounce, marking a fresh 31-year high on Friday. Indeed, silver outperformed gold for the week, rising nearly 7% versus a 3.2% gain for the yellow metal.
Platinum also rallied, jumping 2.4% this week to trade at $1,812.10 an ounce on Friday.
This week's gains were driven by the confluence of several gold-friendly developments, said George Gero, a senior metals analyst at RBC Wealth Management.
"This is the perfect storm," he said.
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Kamis, 07 April 2011

Gold, Silver and Oil are Skyrocketing

Gold, Silver And Oil Are All Skyrocketing And That Is Bad News For The U.S. EconomyApril 7, 2011

The following is one statement that you should get used to seeing: The price of gold set another record today.  Today, spot gold reached a new all-time record of $1461.91 an ounce before settling back a little bit.  Silver is also skyrocketing.  At one point today silver hit $39.75 an ounce.  It seems inevitable that at some point we are going to be talking about $50 silver.  The price of oil is also continuing to relentlessly march upwards.  At last check U.S. oil was at about $108 a barrel.  All of this is great news for those that are investing in gold, silver and oil, but all of this is also really bad news for the U.S. economy.  Why?  Well, because when these commodities go up in price it is a sign that the U.S. dollar is dying and that our country is getting closer to economic collapse.
Traditionally, there has been an inverse correlation between the price of gold and the value of the U.S. dollar.  Usually when the U.S. dollar goes down, the price of gold goes up.
One of the main reasons why gold has been so strong over the past year is because the U.S. dollar has been rapidly losing value.
So why is the U.S. dollar declining?
Most economists point to all of the quantitative easing that the Federal Reserve has been doing.
So exactly what is quantitative easing?
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